目前分類:轉貼 (75)
- Apr 10 Thu 2008 16:02
- Nov 13 Tue 2007 01:23
什麼使偉大的藝術如此精采? 是構圖。
構圖基本常識 作者凱爾.卡西迪 凱爾.卡西迪是一位撰寫大量有關技術的視覺藝術家
什麼使偉大的藝術如此精采? 是構圖。
- Jul 23 Mon 2007 03:09
For the world peace 為了世界和平
37 years for the active isolation, 35 years for the passive isolation, no matter active or passive, the people are innocent. Nowadays the international isolation and abandment to Taiwan makes Taiwanese have a such feeling, that they are punished because of realization of democracy. What the whole global community are just watching aside without doing anything is that Taiwanese kids generations for generations are growing up in this global village, they are intelligent and work with double efforts, but not only their global citizenship, also the basical dignity of a citizen are taken away.
- Apr 13 Fri 2007 09:52
每個地方都有小人,通常,小人做人處事不太厚道,常以不良手段達成目的。 與小人相處,稍不謹慎,會吃大虧;學會分辨小人,非常重要。